Sunday, June 10, 2012

Where Do I Want To Share My Project?

One of the fist publications I looked into submitting is The Reading Teacher.  This magazine provides articles, lessons and other information aimed at elementary teachers.  This publication matches closely to what I have been working on with my students in our AR project.  My students are focusing on using different genres and pieces of literature to increase their fluency rates.  With the information I have collected and the data that I have found this would be a great way to provide possible techniques to other teachers. 

A second possible publication I looked into was TechTrends.  One of the main focuses in my AR project was to see the effects that technology have on engaging students and helping to increase their fluency.  Since many students do not do the extra practice at home we were using technology such as Audacity to increase interest and to provide instant feedback.  This was a great way to excite students by allowing them to learn new tools on the computer, and letting them work with their groups.  With TechTrends I will be able to give information to others about the results we found.  

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